Boston university: BU Summer High School Programs 2023 – Apply Now

The Boston university (BU) Summer High School Programs is a unique program that prepares students for success in college. If you are looking for a great summer college to enroll your child, this is one of the best you can enroll for.

This program will not only include academic activities but also social events and other fun activities. This article will give details about this high school program, how to apply and lots more.

Boston university (BU) Summer High School Programs

The experience at the Boston university Summer high school program is an exciting one. The long running summer term pre college offerings includes a choice of one, two, three- and six-weeks program and they all prepare you for an excellent college life. To make this program more exciting, there are five pre college summer programs you can choose from.

Boston university (BU) Summer Programs for High School Students

Summer is a good opportunity to challenge yourself academically and adapt to college life, find new company and learn new skills. The Summer program offered by Boston University is a great opportunity to this as you will not only adapt to college life but also engage in fun, social activities around Boston and on campus. This is one of the Best Summer Programs for High School Students and has been grouped into the following pre college summer programs

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High School Honors

The High School Honors is for rising juniors and seniors. This Summer program will span from July 2nd 2023 to August 15th 2023. This is for 6 weeks. Also, this program will take place residentially, commuter or online. Learn more about this program on the official page with the link

Rise Internship/Practicum

This pre college program is for rising seniors and will span for 6 weeks (July 2 to August 11 2023). The venue is also residential or commuter. It also features conduct university level STEM research in a laboratory setting. Learn more about the Rise Internship on the official page here

Summer Preview

Summer Preview is mainly for Rising 8th graders, freshmen and sophomores. Its spans for one week from July 23rd to July 28th 2023. The venue is also residential or commuter. You can choose a seminar to get a little view of college experience. Learn more about this here

Summer Challenge

This precollege program is for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. The program is grouped into three sessions that includes; Session

1 (June 18-30), Session

2 (July 9-21), and Session

3 (July 23- August 4).

The venue is residential or online. You can choose to expand your horizon through this program by choosing two of the 20 seminars. For more information,  visit the official page

Academic Immersion

This is the last pre college program offered by Boston University to college students. You can spend three weeks immersing yourself in the study of psychology, medicine or creative writing. This program is for Rising juniors and seniors. Learn more about this at

How to Apply for BUSummer Program

To apply for the Boston University Summer program, you need to pick one of the five pre-college programs offered. You can find this list of programs on the official page When you choose a program, read through the details and follow the on-screen instructions to apply.

Boston University Summer Program Acceptance Rate

The Acceptance rate for the Boston University Summer Program has not been revealed by the University.  There is no specific CGPA required for admission but students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are accepted into the University.

Boston University Summer Program Cost

The Program cost for the 2023 session has not yet been announced as of the time of publication of this article. However, you can visit the Boston University Summer Program frequently to get an update on the program cost. Note that the fee covers tuition, housing, and all meals in the dining halls.


Who is Eligible for the BU Pre-College Summer Program?

To be eligible for the BU Summer program, you need to be a Rising sophomore, junior, senior, or freshman. This is the basic requirement. Also, you need a valid passport and health insurance amongst others.

Does Boston University Offer Summer Classes?

Yes, Boston University offers summer classes and registration for Summer 2023 will begin officially on the 16th of February 2023.

How Many Summer Classes Can I take BU?

You are permitted to take up to two courses for a total of 8 to 10 credits during each six-week summer session. If you want to take more than two courses in a session, you need permission from the director of the Summer Term.

 What GPA is Required for Boston University?

Boston University is a very competitive institution and you need a good GPA to get admitted. Although no specific GPA is stated by the school, you need a GPA of at least 3.0 to get admitted.

How Long is the Summer School?

The length of the summer school depends on the pre-college challenge you are applying for. This can span for one week, two weeks, four weeks, or even six weeks.